Peace of mind… finally.

Consultants are reviewed on exactly the skills they specialize in by colleagues who know those skills; removing uncertainty and allowing for more informed hiring decisions.


How it works


Sign up with LinkedIn

Signing up is easy, a few basic fields and you’re off to the races. It’s kinda like you've done this before.

If you sign up with LinkedIn, a profile will automatically be created for you. You can choose what LinkedIn information stays and what goes in the next step. What's important is that you appear to companies as "LinkedIn Validated". Meaning that it proves you are who you say you are. I mean, we believe you but, ya know…


Build your profile by Creating Projects

Merit is about evaluating consultants around specific skills. Your skills are best represented by the projects you're apart of. When creating projects, specify the skill set you brought to the table and provide a brief description elaborating on your role. The more projects you provide, the better picture a company has of your experience.


Get Reviewed

Request Reviews from the colleagues that have worked with you on those projects. You control what skills they review, and they provide honest and first hand knowledge of your work ethic. Send Requests to each of your team members and build a rock solid Merit Score.


In Merit Score we trust

Many things make up your Merit Score. From the number of reviews you acquire, the individual ratings of your projects, even being linkedIn validated helps. Your Merit score will get you noticed by companies that are important to you and other consultants in your network.


Invite Consultants to Merit

Begin the evaluation process by inviting candidates to Merit or requesting access to their profile. All you need is their name and email address to get started. Its easy.


All your Consultants in one place

The moment you start sending out invites, we immediately populate your profile with truncated summaries of your candidates. As your candidates acquire more reviews, their summaries update automatically.


Keeping track of the important things

We've also made it easy to jot down quick, timestamped, notes – great for recalling key qualities about each candidate.


Dive deeper with a single click

Summaries provides high level detail of your consultants to reference at a glance. Each link directly to their full profiles so you can view all their Projects, individual Skill Ratings and Reviews.

Get Started!